HEAR with heart.

Have fun while changing yourself and changing the relationships around you.
To practice the devotion of listening and shifting from a skill to a core value was really interesting to me. I had not thought of listening in that way but it is so true!
Praise for HEAR from a previous participant
What you will learn:
  • How to actually HEAR people
  • To STOP judging and fixing others
  • How to EMPOWER friends and strangers
  • To stop letting stress CONTROL you
  • How to BREAK your bad interrupting habit
  • To REDUCE your conflicts
  • How to RELATE skillfully in a post lock down world.
  • How to fall in LOVE with the beauty of others
  • Become the BEST LISTENER in the world
HEAR is very encouraging as it dives in and asks us to get real. If we want to heal our communities we must do our inner work. I have imagined this as a personal choice and been shy about sharing inner work. But it isn't personal. It is essential.
Praise for HEAR from a previous participant
The Details
"We are brave in connection."

The HEAR community gathers online together to discuss ways to practice connection. During the 11 week program, we meet once a week via Zoom. Also included are private lessons which you can watch at your own leisure.

What's Included:
  • 11 private video lessons from founder Traci Ruble to keep and watch at your own leisure
  • Self-development exercises that work
  • World-class resources to support you in every lesson
  • Daily online support from our instructors and the community
  • Certificate of completion for your CV 

100% of profits support Sidewalk Talk's nonprofit street listening.

The HEAR programs are generally held every few months and will be announced through email and/or social media. If you're interested in finding out about our upcoming sessions, register your email today!
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Meet Your Facilitators
Travia Fitzpatrick 

Travia is here to help you practice new skills and cultivate connection and belonging in our community space.  Travia is unflappably positive and inspires positive mindsets.  She is trained in NVC, conflict resolution, and is a certified coach.  She has an MBA and has worked with companies to cultivate confident, engaged work teams. If Traci is HEAR's mama, Travia has been the midwife...getting HEAR out into the world - to you.

Traci Ruble (founder) 

Traci is known for making people feel safe and brave.  She is deep without being prying, wise without being a guru, and wickedly funny. Men often say that Traci is the first person that made them feel safe. She worked in publishing and high tech sales and marketing for 13 years so her many years in start-up and corporate life help driven professionals feel understood.  She has been a practicing psychotherapist trained in all things for 17 years now. She specializes in working with couples, founders, and driven type-A folks.
Good quality listening changes both the listener - making them more open to insight, feedback, and changing their attitudes - as well as the person being listened to - openness, insight, introspection and changing attitudes. It's kind of magical.
Praise for HEAR from a previous participant
Praise for HEAR:

"Loved this week’s learning. First I’m finding my voice and practicing speaking from my centered self. "

"Amazingly insightful and helpful. Love the suggestion to practice using/reading the words regularly...enlarging my vocab!"

"my core values are more clear..."

"It was helpful to be aware of the sensation and where they are in my body rather than having to name a feeling."

"I like the concept of inner and outer listening skills. This lesson did cause me to shift how I think about listening..."

"I guess I expected everything I am learning was about work but I keep coming home and finding that I am rarely in my Centered Self when I listen to my husband.  Poor guy. He always gets me when I am stressed out."

HEAR by Sidewalk Talk was developed by relationship and listening expert, Traci Ruble.  We have taught over 200 people to HEAR properly, helping others feel empowered and their most centred self. We are grateful for our collaboration with researchers, coaches, and organizations who piloted and contributed to this program.

When you join the HEAR community, you will.. 

  • Learn about the parts of you that block connection and how to work with them.
  • Locate and calm your own triggers so you can remain centered and intentional.
  • Set compassionate boundaries that protect the connection from resentments.
  • Examine when you might be driven by bias and what to do about it.
  • Understand what cultural lenses shape your connections.
  • Cultivate the skills to be a hospitable companion to yourself and others rather than “doing” listening.
  • Ask the kinds of questions that deepen connection rather than lead the conversation.
  • Belong to an ongoing community and make new friendships.